The River Academy
It is important for all parents to know that the center or home where they have chosen to place their child is regulated, licensed, and safe. So at the entryway to my center would be a check-in spot where all information is posted.
Also in the "arrival area" a resource center will be in place.
Parents will also have access to their child's binder which will contain all emergency information, behavior notes, doctor's letters, teacher notes, and any other information about that child.
As families bring their children into the learning area of the center, they will notice bursts of color which welcome the children and family.In each area, differing races, cultures, faces, jobs, and identities will be pictured.
The flags above can be specific to the cultures of the people attending. New flags can be added as needed. This space is used for teaching, centers, and play.
This room is an additional room with materials that are used then returned. This would be a perfect space for children in "before and after" care as it requires the child to place items in higher shelves. This smaller area can also be used for children who prefer small item tasks such as Legos.
A Resting Room
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This layout would be similar, with much smaller beds, and no toys in the room. |
It is important for 2, 3, and 4 year old children to rest. In my center, there would be a sleeping room for each age group and children will have a their own cot. Families will bring in blankets and stuffed animals from home to offer that home school connection for the child. The sleeping rooms would be permanent rooms that require no set up each day. When children lie down to sleep, lullabies from around the room will play.
The Outdoor Space
The outdoor learning areas would be the place where families can make the biggest impact on the cultural awareness of the children. Each family will be encouraged to plant seeds, bring in items for the musical garden, or paint murals throughout the area.
Parents will be asked about their talents and special skills so that they can come to the center and make presentations, read books, or teach the children a new skill.
The Staff
The staff will be representative of the community. It will be important to be aware of special skills and talents, and look for diversity when hiring all teachers and support staff.
ReplyDeleteI like the idea of having parents bring in items for an outdoor music area and garden. It helps to give families a sense that they are valued in the center when they get to see things that they helped to provide. Looking at Adriana Castillo’s center helped to inspire new ways of working with parents to partner with the staff, many of your ideas have done the same. The parent’s resource area was also inspiring to me because it was labeled for parents to quickly find the resources needed to help their families.
I love all of your ideas and this would be very welcoming to children and families especially the outside environment. I love the binders because emergency information and contact is important. The staff representing the community means you are hiring on a diverse level so the children and families can relate to each other or learn new things about each other.