Saturday, November 22, 2014

Micro Aggressions

It didn't happen this week, but it has happened often in relationship to me having daughters that are born in Russia.

"Why didn't you adopt in the US? There are many needy children here."

"Do your girls know their REAL mom?"

"Don't you hate it that your girls were born in Russia since they are so against the US?"

It could go on and on..Most don't mean to be ignorant, but it is exhausting at times to here these things..When I adopted, Russian American relations were fine, and now that we hate each other, I get the comments much more. Thank you Putin.

I just hope that my girls don't here it too much when I am not around. I don't want that stress on them.

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Week 3

Many friends consider the history of their family to be part of their culture. Language, religion, ethnicity, and traditions, are the main elements that most colleagues used to define CULTURE.
Many consider diversity as different races, cultures, religious groups and political affiliations.

Because I gathered my results from coworkers, we tend to share very similar ideas on culture and diversity.