Saturday, May 16, 2015

3 Items That Would Accompany Our Family In Case of Emergency

*COC's for each daughter
Both of my daughters are adopted from Russia as babies. Their Certificate of Citizenship is the one document that makes them AMERICAN citizens. Even if our family were to be relocated, it would be important, critical to have this document.

*Adoption ScrapBook for Big Girl

*Adoption ScrapBook for the Wee One

Although photos can be reprinted, and many pictures are saved online in various locations, there are many bits and pieces of each daughters contained in their adoption scrapbooks. Items such as reciepts, hotel keys, medicine wrappers, tickets to ballets while in Russia, restaraunt napkins, and a variety of items from each of the four trips to Russia.

 If I found that I could only keep one item, I would have to keep the girls' COCs as this is their legal paperwork. I'd be broken hearted to lose their scrapbooks. Mostly broken hearted for the girls.

I realize that "things" aren't as important to me as I thought they would be. Although I would be devastated if I lost items, in reality photos are online and everywhere so I could almost recreate many memorable moments.


  1. Hi Julianne

    I enjoyed reading your post. I thought of adopting a child years ago but, due to so many illness I change my mine. I agree with you on "recreating many memorable moments" because, know one can take that away from us. We can think about their smiles, laughter, their first walk and words and the time our children started school. All of this is cherish able moments that will never be forgotten in our hearts,

  2. Julianne, great post! It was interesting to read that your daughters are from Russia. I can only imagine the hoops you had to jump through to adopt them. It's obvious that your family is important to you and that is what you would focus on, instead of those things that aren't so important. I like what you said about photos can be reprinted and recreated. We would always have our memories!

  3. Wonderful Post! Their scrap books contain important parts of their history and identity, and if that was lost they would loose a sense of identity.

  4. wow! Great post! I think the scrapbooks are a great item! Creativity and memories all in one. Thank you for sharing your huge love for your children! It shows through so brilliantly on this page.

  5. That was a great post!! I think the scrapbooks are a great idea. What a better why to create memories through the scrapbook. This gives the creator the control of what is included and allows children to be creative with their work. This is a great idea to start with my own children.
