Saturday, May 23, 2015

Diversity and Culture?

 Diversity is what we live each day.”                                     - elementary teacher

“We are diversity”                                                                   - elementary teacher

“Culture is the part that keeps groups together. It’s the easy and fun stuff like music, art, literature, foods, and celebrations.”                           -elementary teacher

*Many responses described surface level culture. Many consider diversity to be based on race and ethnicity.


Omitted Areas Discussed

Many did not share the culture of THEIR specific family. Many did not share the role of required/legal culture. (Those required by the government of their country of origin).

Several answers in regards to culture, family, identity, and diversity influenced my own thinking. When listening to a dear colleague discuss her family, I was reminded that there are people in the world who still view groups as “them” and feel obliged to judge the cultural choices of others.


  1. Jillianne,
    First, you have a beautiful blog page. Second, the comment made about "people still view other groups as them" is very true in this society. You think that with all of he culture at your finger tips living side by side people would stop to say hey this is a perfect opportunity to learn about a culture that is different from my own and not have to pay to acquire the knowledge from school. No, all they see is the television version of culture because of the way the entertainment industry is allowed to stereo type people. I think this maybe something that is far over looked. ck

  2. Julianne,
    Thank you for sharing! Your blog is beautiful.
    Cultural diversity is everywhere. I realized that cultural diversity is an important issue that children need to be aware of at a young age. It is also important that children are aware of the differences in cultures in the world. As early childhood educators, we need to create a learning environment that builds upon the children’s cultures and help children develop positive social skills and respect for others.

  3. I liked your graphics Julianne. Thanks!

    Ethnicity and culture however are so tricky. I think I remember reading this week that ethnicity can influence culture but culture cannot influence ethnicity. I see that ethnicity is under your culture umbrella. That is what made me think of it. So many things can influence our culture! But not many things about our culture can influence those things. Interesting.

  4. HI Julianne,
    I like hat you incorporated visual to your post. It made me see the whole picture as to how culture is based on. This concept has been difficult for me to understand. I have always thought of culture only at the surface, implementing holidays, foods and costumes in the workplace. However, “knowing a person’s or family’s ethnicity does not tell you much about how the culture might actually be reflected in their daily life” (Derman-Sparks & Olsen Edwards, 2010, p. 56). Thank you for sharing!
    Derman-Sparks, L., & Olsen Edwards, J. (2010). Learning about Culture, Language, & Fairness. In Anti-Bias education for young children and ourselves (2nd ed., pp. 56-60). Washington, DC: National Association for the Education of Young Children.
